Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Informative Speech Scams - 1095 Words

Title: How to prevent yourself from involving in a get rich quick scheme. General goal: I want to inform my audience. Specific goal: I want to inform my audience on how to identify the nature of get rich quick schemes and how to avoid being a victim of the scheme. Thesis statement: I want to share with my audience about get rich quick scheme by explaining the nature of the scheme and ways to avoid being a victim of the scheme. Introduction Attention getter: If there is anybody here knows someone close to you, your relatives or maybe your own neighbors lost a lot of money and end up in debt because of scams, please raise your hands up. I. Listener relevance: A get rich quick scheme is an event where people invest their money for a†¦show more content†¦III. It is important to protect ourselves from being a victim of the scheme as we would not want to lose a huge amount of money because of our own selfish decision. That is why we need to stay alert and never give in to temptation when it comes to making money fast. Here are some tips to prevent ourselves from the scams of get rich quick scheme. a. Based on the article â€Å"How to avoid get rich quick scheme† by Juliane Anders, if most people would use common sense, they would simply be able to avoid the schemes altogether. Does instant money make sense? Does someone offering you thousands of ringgits a month with no experience makes sense? The truth is that most people just dont think because they get greedy. Do not get greedy. Most people get ripped off simply because they want something for nothing. Everything in life takes work and everything worth doing takes time, resources, and experience. Remember the golden rule - if it sounds too good to be true, its probably a lie. b. According to the article â€Å"Get-rich-quick investment scams† from consumer affairs new Zealand website, if you are cold-called (rung out of the blue) ask for the callers name and who they represent. Ask about their company. If they avoid your questions, it is probably a scam. Deal only with licensed financial institutions and authorized dealers and check with the relevant authority before investing. c. Next, do not be pressured or rushed to invest. Always seek independent financial adviceShow MoreRelatedSources Of Crime1305 Words   |  6 PagesMy first source I found using EBSCOhost and the academic search premier. Using terms such as cyber, cybercrime, cyber security, and multiple terms commonly associated with hacking I was able to find a fairly informative list of tips for helping to protect yourself from the criminals out to get you on the internet. 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